Internal Audit Report Quality and Financial Statement Accuracy of Savings and Credit Cooperatives Societies in Kenya


  • Bancy Kagiri Author



Internal audit report quality, Financial Statement Accuracy, SACCOs, Timeliness, Reliability, Relevance


The focus of this study is to examine the correlation between the caliber of internal audit reports and the precision of financial reporting within Kenyan savings and credit cooperative societies (SACCOs). The accuracy of financial reporting is of paramount importance as it influences investment decisions and market efficacy. In view of SACCOs' limited accounting expertise, this investigation aims to evaluate the impact of adept internal auditors on financial accuracy and the internal audit function's role in enhancing controls and preventing fraud. The study utilizes agency and stakeholder theories to probe into the SACCO management-shareholder relationship. By highlighting the significance of accurate financial statements and internal audit quality, the study employs theoretical frameworks to analyze the impact of audit reporting quality on financial accuracy. The ultimate objective of this study is to augment our comprehension of the role of internal audit quality in enhancing financial accuracy in Kenyan SACCOs. The theoretical basis of agency and stakeholder theories facilitates the analysis of intricate SACCO dynamics. In light of the criticality of SACCOs in Kenya's financial sector, the insights derived from this study support governance strengthening and the promotion of accurate financial reporting.


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How to Cite

Kagiri , B. . (2023). Internal Audit Report Quality and Financial Statement Accuracy of Savings and Credit Cooperatives Societies in Kenya. African Journal of Commercial Studies, 3(1), 75–85.

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