Factors Affecting Private Sector Partnerships with Non-Governmental Organizations in Zambia: A Case Study of Musokotwane Compassion Mission Zambia





Non-governmental organization, Private Sector, Partnership


The objective of the study was to determine how NGO-private sector partnerships can be forged to raise resources and funding for their activities that supplement government efforts. Data was collected from a purposive sample of 83 staff. The study utilized a questionnaire with both closed-ended and open-ended questions for data collection from the respondents. The study adopted a mixed-methods approach. Correlation and regression analyses were used to establish the relationship among the variables of the study, and qualitative textual data was analyzed. The results of the study show that governance, transparency, political intervention, and decision-making processes are key determinants of partnership performance between the private sector and non-governmental organizations in Zambia. The study further established that lack of transparency in donor fund administration and management, corruption, poor governance, and decision-making hugely contribute to the poor performance and sustenance of these partnerships. The study recommends that NGOs should possess the highest professional and ethical standards and exercise responsible resource management to obtain funding from donors. It is also recommended that NGOs be as accountable and transparent as possible to establish confidence-driven partnerships with the private sector, as these are key issues affecting these partnerships.


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How to Cite

Kasukumya, H., & Haabazoka, L. . (2024). Factors Affecting Private Sector Partnerships with Non-Governmental Organizations in Zambia: A Case Study of Musokotwane Compassion Mission Zambia. African Journal of Commercial Studies, 4(2), 93-103. https://doi.org/10.59413/ajocs/v4.i2.2

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