Assessing Factors Influencing the Failure of Constituency Development Fund (CDF) Projects in Education and Health Sectors in Zambia: A Critical Analysis




Constituency Development Fund, Success, Failure, Projects, Education and Health Sectors, Challenges, Strategies


This study critically evaluates factors leading to the failure of Constituency Development Fund (CDF) projects within Zambia's education and health sectors, aiming to recommend effective strategies for improving project success rates. Utilizing a sequential mixed-method approach, the research examines the effectiveness of existing management strategies, identifies key factors contributing to project failures, and explores challenges faced by project committees. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews, a literature review, and five focus group discussions (FGDs) with 46 respondents from Chongwe Constituency. Purposive sampling was employed to gather both primary and secondary data. Quantitative data were analyzed using the mean t-test to determine factors significantly impacting community engagement and project outcomes. Qualitative data underwent thematic analysis to explore themes from interviews, literature, and FGDs, enhancing the triangulation of findings. Findings reveal that despite the alignment of management practices with best practices, factors such as failure to use CDF, funding delays, lack of transparency and accountability, weak monitoring and evaluation, limited community involvement, and limited community knowledge of CDF, contractor incompetence, Key challenges faced by implementors included, volunteer status of WDCs which was unsustainable and challenging, lack of capacity building contribute to project failures. The study advocates for improved project management practices, enhanced stakeholder engagement and education about CDF to communities and robust monitoring to increase project success.


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How to Cite

Muyaloka, D., & Kachamba, N. . (2024). Assessing Factors Influencing the Failure of Constituency Development Fund (CDF) Projects in Education and Health Sectors in Zambia: A Critical Analysis. African Journal of Commercial Studies, 4(3), 225-251.

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